Who we are.

We are a God-honoring Property Management company built on Biblical business principles. The stewardship we provide for rental homes centers around diligently caring for the property owner’s investment, as well as the tenant’s experience, so that both can dwell soundly.

Family owned and operated, Dwell Property Management was founded with the simple purpose of glorifying God while managing rental homes to a standard that would honor Him. We thought long and hard about bringing God to the fore-front of our business in such a prominent way, knowing full well that some people may look at it as a gimmick, a sales pitch even, or cause others to run in the opposite direction. We have a responsibility to prove a purpose like this every day, and that occurs by living out what we believe are biblical principles on how to operate a business and manage homes with wisdom and integrity.

...whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

We seek to manage properties to such a standard that God Himself would be pleased with both our level of diligence and our passion for doing things the right way, knowing that we are stewards of what He has given us.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
— Colossians 3:23

We truly enjoy what we do, and as you get to know us, you are bound to see it. Property Management can be fun, and its not just because we’ve always got a pot of coffee going, although that helps. We get to impact peoples lives, from helping secure the investments of home owners, to ensuring tenants have a place they can truly call home. That’s why we are all about helping everyone dwell soundly.

To learn more about our Biblical Business Principles, click below: